myr·i·ad: adj. composed of numerous diverse elements or facets

Saturday, 19 April 2008

Tomorrow is Canceled Due To Lack of Interest

Wayfarer wearing, clothes skimping, colorful palette of a face people are
 all around these days. 

I must say that Kuwaiti women are either really stylish or don't know how to pull off a decent outfit if their life depended on it. It's funny that the majority are at either end of the fashion spectrum, and then there are the middle cluster that pass by under the radar, not grabbing any wanted or unwanted attention. But what is of most interest to me is the fact that style is innate, some people are born with it while others acquire it with time plus a monthly subscription to Vogue. This brings me to an important issue I have to address, a burden I have 
to get off my back, which may not come as much of a surprise to some and that is... 

money can NOT buy you style. 

Yes ladies, getting your hands on the latest Dior monogram jeans, jacket, t-shirt and cap in all their hideous shades does not instantaneously make you "stylish". I quoted stylish because style is subjective, everyone has their own style, but becoming a sheep to the latest trends, wait a minute, who am I kidding, Dior monogram anything's should be caged and put in a glass box with a warning sign:
"For Shameful Viewing Purposes Only. Do Not Attempt to Duplicate. EVER!"

Back to what I was saying. Being stylish means having a good idea of what looks good on YOU! You don't need a D&G logo plastered across your chest to look up to date, and sure you can wear it if it looks good on you, but please don't pair it with D&G jeans with the silver tag on the behind. If you do then I suggest you contact D&G; they need to reimburse you for your ad effort!

For all those chic, confident fashionistas... I salute you! I love going out and watching sensibly dressed ladies who know a thing or two about how to create an outfit and pull it off so easily like it was something out of a magazine. You make me feel proud! 


NewQ8 Bride said...

yes yes yes that is what i am saying being stylish is to know what really looks nice on u adding to it your personal touch ( i said touch mo 3afsaa ) loved your blog

vogue said...

iam inlove with ur blog (:

so true.

vogue said...

oh and i HATE monograms!

My Myriad Life said...

new bride- exactly! no 3afsa please! Looking presentable is easy once you know what looks good on you

vogue- thanks, I'm just getting started! :D the only monogram that I like is the classic LV one , there are some that aren't so bad, and some that are horrible!

Shoush said...

I totally agree with the money cant buy style quote! So very true. Not only with clothing; with everything.

eshda3wa said...

i love it when style looks effortless

like they rolled out of bed and just became fabulous

u can always tell who tried way too hard

those are the ppl that normally go over board

My Myriad Life said...

shoush- yes that saying is being proven every single time I go out, there has to be at least 10 examples, ok ok let's not exaggerate... 9 examples :P

eshda3wa- there are people that think less is more while others think more is MORE... don't quite get how they think.

in my choos said...

totally agree! Paris Hilton is a living breathing example lol i have nooo idea how she defines her sense of style *yukh



My Myriad Life said...

N- Paris Hilton is a walking mannequin that just promotes designers clothes for a living lol that's actually not a bad job but the problem is she rarely wears something that actually looks really good!