I get extremely irritated when a million stores call me all during the same day, or even in the same hour. Can you imagine how annoying it is ending one call from one hungry seller to get another one calling you the second you put down the phone? Sure, it's not a problem telling them that you don't want to be called... they'd respect that for sure. Anyhow, what if you do tell them that but they keep on calling you? My goodness, it's gotten to the point where I don't reply if I see a number that starts with '51' '52 or '57'... I even started ignoring any unfamiliar numbers all together!
I can't forget the text messages too. How could I? Everyday at precisely 11 am, I get a text message from our lovely retailers, some of who I am a customer and others that serve a whole other market segment, last time I checked I'm not a preppy guy thats in to fashion that "combines the traditional American style with an European flair" (quoted from the site, will withhold brand name to avoid humiliation)
So yeah, no phone calls or text messages please, if I want to ask about your new collection... I WILL CALL. I will even physically move myself to your store to check it out! I know a lot of people who appreciate these calls and come running to get their hands on the latest items, I don't blame them because the ladies here know that the proverbial early bird gets the proverbial worm. Some even scold the store for not calling them and giving them the sign to give their cards a workout!
I, however, AM NOT ONE OF THEM :)
To all the stores that I visit and have my number, I wish oh wish that you would refrain from calling or sending me messages. Yes, I will bear the horrible responsibility of not knowing what's the latest in town but may I suggest that you send e-mails perhaps, or have updates through a site? I really don't feel like ignoring all my calls, or cursing the moment I accidentally reply to your unsaved numbers. (Which I should start saving by the way. Good note to self!)
stop giving out ur number!
Done that :) You think after all that trauma I'd still give it out?! It's just the old stores who have my number (5+ years) are very persistent.
im going through the same thing.
extremely annoying.
especially those es6oora ppl.
haha yeah, especially them!
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