myr·i·ad: adj. composed of numerous diverse elements or facets

Sunday, 11 May 2008

Wild Imaginations Are Not a Thing of The Past

Okay, I'd understand if people have a problem trusting others, but what if they have a problem believing people too?! In all seriousness, this is a seriously serious issue. 

I trust people. It's something that I choose to do and I'm responsible for. Now, there's nothing wrong with trusting the right people, but the thing is I'm starting not to believe a word they say. AT ALL! 

It is unbelievable! A number of people nowadays are professionals at spinning up their own stories, even though they know they can be caught very easily. Do you know how annoying this is? I listen to someone talk and genuinely get immersed into the conversation and become an "active listener"... and then? I find out it was absolute bullshit. Not cool! 

Most of the time, the person talking is just re-telling something that happened, so basically they hear one side of the story (which is fabricated and totally made up) and re-tell it. I don't know whether to cry or laugh! I usually tell a person to double check their sources or just say that they are nowhere near the truth, other times I just shut up to avoid problems. Some people don't like to be told that they are wrong, which is another topic to be handled. So, I just stay quiet, I don't need to stir family problems. Sometimes, I just wish that I don't know the things I know. Other times I'm glad I do because it makes life so much more amusing and I get to internally laugh my ass off. Oh, and the other people who just simple make up stories are another story by themselves. I'm not going to waste my time on them.

If you're going to tell me something, tell me the whole truth and nothing but the truth or shut the hell up! There's a chance you might look stupid, have your ego bruised, WHATEVER, that happens! You're not always going to be the hero!

N.B Telling a one-sided story and covering up the other half is just as bad as telling a lie!


Anonymous said...

The 're-telling' issue is something that I despise so much. Especially when it doesn't really have anything to do with the person who's re-telling it. It becomes a societal chinese whisper... as you said 'Not Cool' :)

Social Paradox said...
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My Myriad Life said...

I don't mind someone re-telling something that actually happened, as long as they don't add stuff and basically say anything but the truth

Anonymous said...

..and that happens once every.. what.. decade:)
It really depends on the person, you're right.

MiYaFuSHi said...

OMG the ppl that dont wanna be told they are wrong GRRRR