How many of you have had your fortunes read? No not the typical reading of the palms or the tarot cards or even through the mystic all-knowing crystal ball. I'm talking about the more sinister, so freaky they could be true, local fortune tellers. Yes, I know that you'll be damned for all eternity if you even think about trying it out, but I just had to for my own curiosity.
Let me just start by saying that it's better not to believe any little word they say because they give you false hope which you pretend like you don't even care about and know it's not going to happen but there's a tiny little shred of hope that says "you never know, it might really happen!"... but guess what? None of it is true and it will never ever happen! Aha, I'm bitter. The one I went to told me that I'm going to meet someone tall and handsome, in a high position by the end of the year. That happened LAST YEAR. So yeah, no gorgeous doctor knocked on my door anytime late last year. Who's the sucker now?
I only did it once, felt cheated and vowed to never do it again. What was really weird is that the lady got every little detail about my family and issues that were happening at the time that no one knew about. She probably had help from you-know-what. I did the thing where you had to throw shells and coins all over the place and basically some shells symbolized people, coins showed events and stuff like that. It was so random that it was hard to believe that she wasn't making everything up, but the things that she got right were irrelevant like family issues, daily stuff etc, and the things she got wrong all had to do with me; for one, the handsome, tall guy not passing my way. What a way to get a girls hopes up!
The experience was very intriguing to say the least, but I knew that her words shouldn't be taken seriously and never to be believed, so it was more of a kind of entertainment where you just hear a lot of talk but only 20% is accurately precise. So the moral of the story is, if you want to hear about things you already know that are happening in your life, and be given false hope of things that are "supposedly" going to happen soon, then go book your session right now. Just don't be mad at me if your gorgeous doctor doesn't pop up too.
my friends were really into this crap
they used to know this lady ... i called her witch i dont remember her name.
kanat ETKHARE3
bs i never tried it
Don't do that you'll get carried away and it will never do your life any good.. Allah ma 7aram 3laina shay ella whwa mb fe 9ale7na.. Take care, and good things do happen more than once, inshallah will happen for you too! :)
eshda3wa- lol WITCH! the one I saw ma kanat etkhare3, she looked like mona shaddad, so I was kinda laughing everytime I remembered the resemblance :P
nyxxie- don't worry, I wouldn't have done it unless I know I wouldn't get carried away... I didn't take it seriously and didn't believe a word she says, it was just in good humor
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