myr·i·ad: adj. composed of numerous diverse elements or facets

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Out of Coverage Area... Don't Try Later

I get extremely irritated when a million stores call me all during the same day, or even in the same hour. Can you imagine how annoying it is ending one call from one hungry seller to get another one calling you the second you put down the phone? Sure, it's not a problem telling them that you don't want to be called... they'd respect that for sure. Anyhow, what if you do tell them that but they keep on calling you? My goodness, it's gotten to the point where I don't reply if I see a number that starts with '51' '52 or '57'... I even started ignoring any unfamiliar numbers all together! 

I can't forget the text messages too. How could I? Everyday at precisely 11 am, I get a text message from our lovely retailers, some of who I am a customer and others that serve a whole other market segment, last time I checked I'm not a preppy guy thats in to fashion that "combines the traditional American style with an European flair" (quoted from the site, will withhold brand name to avoid humiliation)

So yeah, no phone calls or text messages please, if I want to ask about your new collection... I WILL CALL. I will even physically move myself to your store to check it out! I know a lot of people who appreciate these calls and come running to get their hands on the latest items, I don't blame them because the ladies here know that the proverbial early bird gets the proverbial worm. Some even scold the store for not calling them and giving them the sign to give their cards a workout! 

I, however, AM NOT ONE OF THEM :)

To all the stores that I visit and have  my number, I wish oh wish that you would refrain from calling or sending me messages. Yes, I will bear the horrible responsibility of not knowing what's the latest in town but may I suggest that you send e-mails perhaps, or have updates through a site? I really don't feel like ignoring all my calls, or cursing the moment I accidentally reply to your unsaved numbers. (Which I should start saving by the way. Good note to self!)

Thursday, 24 April 2008

Fortune Cookies Would've Been More Accurate

How many of you have had your fortunes read? No not the typical reading of the palms or the tarot cards or even through the mystic all-knowing crystal ball. I'm talking about the more sinister, so freaky they could be true, local fortune tellers. Yes, I know that you'll be damned for all eternity if you even think about trying it out, but I just had to for my own curiosity.

Let me just start by saying that it's better not to believe any little word they say because they give you false hope which you pretend like you don't even care about and know it's not going to happen but there's a tiny little shred of hope that says
"you never know, it might really happen!"... but guess what? None of it is true and it will never ever happen! Aha, I'm bitter. The one I went to told me that I'm going to meet someone tall and handsome, in a high position by the end of the year. That happened LAST YEAR. So yeah, no gorgeous doctor knocked on my door anytime late last year. Who's the sucker now?

I only did it once, felt cheated and vowed to never do it again. What was really weird is that the lady got every little detail about my family and issues that were happening at the time that
 no one knew about. She probably had help from you-know-what. I did the thing where you had to throw shells and coins all over the place and basically some shells symbolized people, coins showed events and stuff like that. It was so random that it was hard to believe that she wasn't making everything up, but the things that she got right were irrelevant like family issues, daily stuff etc, and the things she got wrong all had to do with me; for one, the handsome, tall guy not passing my way. What a way to get a girls hopes up!

The experience was very intriguing to say the least, but I knew that her words shouldn't be taken seriously and never to be believed, so it was more of a kind of entertainment where you just hear a lot of talk but only 20% is accurately precise. So the moral of the story is, if you want to hear about things you already know that are happening in your life, and be given
false hope of things that are "supposedly" going to happen soon, then go book your session right now. Just don't be mad at me if your gorgeous doctor doesn't pop up too.

Monday, 21 April 2008

Happy Hunting!

You've all heard about job headhunters or executive headhunters  who search high and low for the perfect candidates that have the most potential in a certain position and try to recruit them to a company. Basically a business version of a matchmaker; but this time they make a lot more money. Don't worry, I'm not going to go into any business babble and bore the living daylights out of you. I'm talking about personal headhunting if you know what I mean. It seems that there are women out there who are headhunters, and pretty good at it too.  

What do headhunters do you say? They scope their territory first, then look for potential candidates, deliberate and decide on one, do a little research and dig up some information, secure the target, and when the right moment comes. BAM

One head down. 

So, why do women do that? I've heard a couple of stories that are incredible, you wouldn't believe the scenarios and drama that occur; but in the end, the women always gets what she wants. I must admit it takes strong will and determination to go through all that but is it okay? I've heard mixed reviews about this issue; some say it's the survival of the fittest, others say it's just unacceptable. 

Is it because they feel threatened? Short on time? Insecure? Bored? I personally wouldn't go all through that trouble because: 
a) no one is ever up to my standards 
b) my ego can't handle it
c) I'd rather the guy do all the work

Isn't that how it's supposed to be? or do I have to catch up with the times and work on some bait? 

Relax! That was a rhetorical question. Hunting isn't my favorite sport anyway. 

Saturday, 19 April 2008

Tomorrow is Canceled Due To Lack of Interest

Wayfarer wearing, clothes skimping, colorful palette of a face people are
 all around these days. 

I must say that Kuwaiti women are either really stylish or don't know how to pull off a decent outfit if their life depended on it. It's funny that the majority are at either end of the fashion spectrum, and then there are the middle cluster that pass by under the radar, not grabbing any wanted or unwanted attention. But what is of most interest to me is the fact that style is innate, some people are born with it while others acquire it with time plus a monthly subscription to Vogue. This brings me to an important issue I have to address, a burden I have 
to get off my back, which may not come as much of a surprise to some and that is... 

money can NOT buy you style. 

Yes ladies, getting your hands on the latest Dior monogram jeans, jacket, t-shirt and cap in all their hideous shades does not instantaneously make you "stylish". I quoted stylish because style is subjective, everyone has their own style, but becoming a sheep to the latest trends, wait a minute, who am I kidding, Dior monogram anything's should be caged and put in a glass box with a warning sign:
"For Shameful Viewing Purposes Only. Do Not Attempt to Duplicate. EVER!"

Back to what I was saying. Being stylish means having a good idea of what looks good on YOU! You don't need a D&G logo plastered across your chest to look up to date, and sure you can wear it if it looks good on you, but please don't pair it with D&G jeans with the silver tag on the behind. If you do then I suggest you contact D&G; they need to reimburse you for your ad effort!

For all those chic, confident fashionistas... I salute you! I love going out and watching sensibly dressed ladies who know a thing or two about how to create an outfit and pull it off so easily like it was something out of a magazine. You make me feel proud! 

Thursday, 17 April 2008

Who's in Control?

Life is a series of systematic disruptive interventions! 

That's just a fancy way of saying life is all about fate, events that happen beyond your control, you can't foresee them and best of all they're inescapable. Am I the only one who gets excited about that? Okay I won't be excited if I leave the house and lightning strikes me but you get the idea of not knowing what's right behind the corner. I love surprises, bad/good, whatever, I love them all! 

Talking about surprises, the thunderstorm that happened a couple of days ago was one hell of a surprise, talk around town is that it's going to pass by again today or tomorrow. To everyone who thinks that it snowed in Kuwait, no it did not, it was just hail, which is so last decade, we need something new like cherry flavored icicles flying our way. Anything to take the attention away from the upcoming elections a.k.a the popularity race.